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Synopsis: Beloved of the bereft and abandoned Father Bob Maguire the irreverent philosopher and working class hero eschews the collar and piousness of his own religion. For almost 40 years he has fought courageously to protect troubled youth immersed in a culture of crime, drugs and violence by opening the doors to his parish, the presbytery, and his own pockets, offering a stable place from where they can begin a new life.

Father Bob offers outreach for street kids, food programs and scholarships for the poor. He has always fought back at the disciplinary measures imposed on him from an unsupportive Vatican with wit and a healthy disregard for authority, frankly pointing out the flaws in logic, dogma and prejudice by asking; "is not helping those in need a central tenet of our religion?"

The Archbishop dealt the final blow when, although still vital and passionate, Father Bob was unceremoniously retired and evicted from his home of 39 years and from the Church he helped lovingly restore. At 78, wounded and grieving and no longer backed by the church, he starts over again with nothing but the tenacious belief that he is duty bound to help, to be effective, to be meaningfully provocative and to never say die.

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